Annotation:The Development of Language as Purposive Behavior*/Llays52mfn
< Annotation:The Development of Language as Purposive Behavior*
Revision as of 19:10, 11 March 2019 by Sarah Oberbichler (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Argument |field_radiobutton=pro }} {{Thema |field_text_autocomplete=Sprache }} {{TextAnnotation |AnnotationOf=The_Development_of_Language_as_Purposive_Behavior* |AnnotationC...")
Thema | Sprache |
Annotation of | The_Development_of_Language_as_Purposive_Behavior* |
Annotation Comment | Wenn ein Individuum durch seine Handlung nicht nur seine eigene Störung sondern auch die Störung anderer Individuen reduziert, führt dies zwangsläufig zur Bildung von Gruppen |
Last Modification Date | 2019-03-11T18:10:32.505Z |
Last Modification User | User:Sarah Oberbichler |
Annotation Metadata | ^"permissions":^"read":ӶӺ,"update":ӶӺ,"delete":ӶӺ,"admin":ӶӺ°,"user":^"id":6,"name":"Sarah Oberbichler"°,"id":"Llays52mfn","ranges":Ӷ^"start":"/divӶ3Ӻ/divӶ4Ӻ/divӶ1Ӻ/pӶ21Ӻ","startOffset":696,"end":"/divӶ3Ӻ/divӶ4Ӻ/divӶ1Ӻ/pӶ23Ӻ","endOffset":776°Ӻ,"quote":"If we translate this sequence of events into the terms of the feedback model, we get somewhat different operational sequences for the two individuals. For the second one, a “normal” well-established cycle has run off: an internal disturbance, “hunger”, has led to certain activities and they have been effective once more, in that they resulted in eating behavior which successfully eliminated the original disturbance. For the first individual, however, there is an anomaly. The episode begins with “hunger” as originating disturbance, which leads to the well-established sequence of activities, but the “normal” course of the sequence is impeded, some of the activities are frustrated. Yet their result—eating behavior that eliminates the original disturbance—is nevertheless achieved. Since it is a basic feature of a learning feedback system that it records its activities and consequent changes of disturbances, the anomalous activity chain will be recorded as a thoroughly effective one. In place the of the impeded activities, however, the record will contain some elements that have never before been associated with the activity-chain that is controlled by the “hunger” disturbance. These novel elements, for instance (in observer language), “approach and making contact with a conspecific individual”, may already have been coordinated as components of some other activity-chain. If the episode recurs and repeatedly leads to the elimination of the “hunger” disturbance, it must become an operational alternative to the original activity chain controlled by the nutritional feedback loop. Preying in pairs and groups will be the result, and with this, the necessary conditions for the development of cooperative preying will have been created. On the other hand, if in the same episode, the first individual is prevented not only from making the kill, but also from feeding on the prey, the sequence of activities will be recorded as a “failure”. In this case the novel elements, i.e., the activities involving the conspecific, are associated with the failure and will lead to avoidance or to competitive behavior in the future.\nIn both cases, what has happened is similar to the transfer of the twig-stripping activity of the chimpanzee’s ordinary feeding cycle to his “termite-fishing” cycle. The transfer in our hypothetical case, if anything, would be more probable, because the perceptual item involved (i.e., another organism of the species) would certainly have been coordinated into a recognizable object very early in the organism’s ontogenic development, and is perhaps already well established as an object in its own right. By this I mean that a cluster of sensory signals, first coordinated as a recurrent pattern in the context of a specific activity, has been recognized in the context of other activity-cycles and has thus come much closer to becoming an externalized “permanent object”.\nSimilar episodes will happen in defense against predators. Whenever one individual acts and, by this activity, reduces not only his own disturbance but also the disturbance of other individuals, this will inevitably lead to the formation of relatively cohesive groups, because the reduction of disturbance in these very simple situations will be reciprocal for some time. Organism A today happens to be instrumental for B, and tomorrow B is instrumental for A. Once this begins to take place, it is highly probable that particularly efficient individuals are more often the actor who reduces the common disturbance. Thus they become the focus of the group’s cohesion—with all the implications for the gradual development of dominance and patterns of social equilibration Ӷ29Ӻ.","highlights":Ӷ^"jQuery321074044024740980192":^°°,^"jQuery321074044024740980192":^°°,^"jQuery321074044024740980192":^°°,^"jQuery321074044024740980192":^°°,^"jQuery321074044024740980192":^°°Ӻ,"text":"Wenn ein Individuum durch seine Handlung nicht nur seine eigene Störung sondern auch die Störung anderer Individuen reduziert, führt dies zwangsläufig zur Bildung von Gruppen","order":"mw-content-text","category":"Argument","data_creacio":1552324231759°