Annotation Metadata
^"permissions":^"read":ӶӺ,"update":ӶӺ,"delete":ӶӺ,"admin":ӶӺ°,"user":^"id":6,"name":"Sarah Oberbichler"°,"id":"Bmh2iooe4p","ranges":Ӷ^"start":"/divӶ3Ӻ/divӶ4Ӻ/divӶ1Ӻ/pӶ7Ӻ","startOffset":166,"end":"/divӶ3Ӻ/divӶ4Ӻ/divӶ1Ӻ/pӶ8Ӻ","endOffset":564°Ӻ,"quote":"It began with his early discovery that mollusks of the same species were able to produce offspring that developed different and appropriately shaped shells, if they were transplanted from still to fast-flowing water or vice versa. It was a change of physical structure that did not involve a change in the mollusks’ genetic make-up. He saw this as the effect of environmental constraints that foreclosed all but the viable developmental possibilities of the organism. Hence it was a form of adaptation that was closer to learning — the natural selection that produced it did not eliminate other potential developmental pathways in the genome, but only in the individual mollusks in question. Their offspring, if placed in another environment, could develop different shells which, relative to the new constraints, were again adapted.\nSeen in this way, the concept of adaptation could be incorporated in a theory of learning. In my view, this is the major contribution Jean Piaget has made to our understanding of cognition. Eventually this perspective led him to the conclusion that the function of intelligence was not, as traditional epistemology held, to provide cognitive organisms with ‘true’ representations of an objective environment. Rather, he began to see cognition as generator of intelligent tools that enable organisms to construct a relative fit with the world as they experience it.","highlights":Ӷ^"jQuery3210075021663766149052":^°°,^"jQuery3210075021663766149052":^°°,^"jQuery3210075021663766149052":^°°,^"jQuery3210075021663766149052":^°°Ӻ,"text":"Die Funktion von Intelligenz ist nicht jene, Lebewesen mit einer \"wahren\" Repräsentation einer objektiven Umwelt auszustatten, sondern mit intelligenten Tools, die eine Anpassung an die Welt ermöglichen, wie sie erfahren wird.","order":"mw-content-text","category":"Argument","data_creacio":1552312029179°