Annotation Metadata
^"permissions":^"read":ӶӺ,"update":ӶӺ,"delete":ӶӺ,"admin":ӶӺ°,"user":^"id":6,"name":"Sarah Oberbichler"°,"id":"Jjk7wsutok","ranges":Ӷ^"start":"/divӶ3Ӻ/divӶ4Ӻ/divӶ1Ӻ/pӶ25Ӻ","startOffset":0,"end":"/divӶ3Ӻ/divӶ4Ӻ/divӶ1Ӻ/pӶ26Ӻ","endOffset":338°Ӻ,"quote":"There are no stars, no fluorescence, no space and time, and certainly no organism and environment on that first level – there are only elementary sensory signals, and what the first- order systems control is the intensity of these signals. In Powers’ words, they can be thought of “as an analogue of some basic physical effect” (1973, p. 101). But the organism has no way of telling where that effect comes from – for all it knows it might originate in its own eyeball. As the signals enter the second level (second-order input function) they are combined and constitute “qualitative vectors.” As an example Powers uses the taste of lemonade, which\n\nContains an easily recognizable vector, derived from the intensity signals generated by sugar and acid (together with some oil smells). However unitary and real this vector seems, there is no physical entity corresponding to it. The juxtaposition of sugars, acids, and oils in one common volume does not create any special entity there. (1973, p. 113)\nThe third level again groups and coordinates signals as they emerge, modified by the second-order loops, and some of the resulting compounds are what we call “objects.” As it happens, process and results of this third level correspond to the beginning of what Piaget has mapped as the “construction of permanent objects” (1973, pp. 1-85).","highlights":Ӷ^"jQuery321065832023118483012":^°°,^"jQuery321065832023118483012":^°°,^"jQuery321065832023118483012":^°°Ӻ,"text":"","order":"mw-content-text","category":"WissenschaftlicheReferenz2","data_creacio":1591898168130°