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A list of all pages that have property "AnnotationComment" with value "Theorien, die missverstanden werden". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Annotation:Annotationen:Cybernetics, Experience, and the Concept of Self/Y9pfk6yah9  + (The invariant the system achieves can, therefore, never be found or frozen in a single element because, by its very nature, it consists in one or more relationships—and relationships are not in things but between them.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:The Control of Perception and the Construction of Reality: Epistemological Aspects of the Feedback-Control System/K0ahsljmye  + (The key point is that we may be able to analyze the structure of our experience without making the unwarranted assumption that to perceive must be a process of passive reception rather than a process of construction)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Why Constructivism Must be Radical/Gutpr341qe  + (The meanings of words – and this also applThe meanings of words – and this also applies to every sign and every symbol – must be constructed by each user of the language individually, and this construction is based solely on the subjective experience of the particular parson. Hence it stands to reason that the interpretation of a word or a text will always remain an essentially subjective operation.emain an essentially subjective operation.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowing without Metaphysics: Aspects of the Radical Constructivist Position/Mrkitz3yc3  + (The models of another’s conceptual operating that one can build on the basis of observable behavior, thus, are and remain hypothetical;)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:An Introduction to Radical Constructivism/Gv8fsjs8m9  + (The only aspect of that “real” world that actually enters into the realm of experience, are its constraints;)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Anticipation in the Constructivist Theory of Cognition/E4dke75vc7  + (The passage I quoted also indicates that tThe passage I quoted also indicates that there is more than one level of adaptation. On the sensorimotor level of perception and bodily action, it is avoidance of physical perturbation and the possibility of survival that matter. On the level of thought we are concerned with concepts, their connections, with theories and explanations. All these are only indirectly linked to the practice of living. On this higher level, viability is determined by the attainment of goals and the elimination of conceptual contradictions. elimination of conceptual contradictions.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Anticipation in the Constructivist Theory of Cognition/Elrguxn0ti  + (The pattern of learning, however, is the same as in Piaget’s scheme theory, and once we impute to an organism the capability of reflecting upon its experiences, we can say that the principle of induction arises in its own thinking.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Thoughts about Space, Time, and the Concept of Identity/Orsmj1g1z5  + (The pen I hold in my hand does not become The pen I hold in my hand does not become another while you’re watching it. You are quite sure of that – at least until you’ve seen a sharper do a sleight of hand with cards. Then you suddenly realize that things can change their identity under your very eyes. It is a question of speed – and speed, after all, is the quotient of space an time. The conservation of individual identity may be more of a problem than it seemed.y may be more of a problem than it seemed.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:How Do We Mean A Constructivist Sketch of Semantics/Qyxq84o1xl  + (The point I want to make is that it is theThe point I want to make is that it is the experiencer who generates the image, the configuration that becomes the “representation”, and that this configuration is always one of several others that are equally possible within the constraints of the sensory material. This, I claim, goes for all the experiential units or things to which we give names, and it is the reason why I maintain that meanings are always subjective.ntain that meanings are always subjective.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:How Do We Mean A Constructivist Sketch of Semantics/Pht7smbl07  + (The point I want to make is that it is theThe point I want to make is that it is the experiencer who generates the image, the configuration that becomes the “representation”, and that this configuration is always one of several others that are equally possible within the constraints of the sensory material. This, I claim, goes for all the experiential units or things to which we give names, and it is the reason why I maintain that meanings are always subjective. They are subjective in the sense that they have to be constructed by the experiencer.have to be constructed by the experiencer.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:How Do We Mean A Constructivist Sketch of Semantics/Uigwach9pn  + (The point I want to stress is that from ouThe point I want to stress is that from our perspective it is attention and above all its movements that generate the conceptual structures and thus the things we talk about. These items, as I said before, cannot have an existence of their own but originate through the operations of an experiencer or observer. operations of an experiencer or observer.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:How Do We Mean A Constructivist Sketch of Semantics/Zkhy51itjb  + (The problem of meaning thus comes down to the problem of how we generate units in our experience such that we can associate them with words, and how we relate these units to form larger conceptual structures.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:An Introduction to Radical Constructivism/Zrmagm8yfp  + (The products of conscious cognitive activity, therefore, always have a purpose and are, at least originally, assessed according to how well they serve that purpose.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:An Introduction to Radical Constructivism/Hu8t7ivxxd  + (The question is unanswerable, because no matter what we do, we can check our perceptions only by means of other perceptions, but never with the apple as it might be before we perceive it.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowledge as Environmental Fit/Ffnlniggh4  + (The radical constructivist, therefore, musThe radical constructivist, therefore, must not be thought to do away with “objectivity”—he merely defines it in a different way. Any concept, event, theory, or model will be considered “objective” if and only if it has proved to be viable not only in one’s own organization of the experiential world, but also in the particular area of conceptual organization that proves to be a viable model for the experiential worlds one imputes to others.experiential worlds one imputes to others.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Cybernetics, Experience, and the Concept of Self/Jv9v5wdu9q  + (The rep- resentation, therefore, will haveThe rep- resentation, therefore, will have to be no more and no less than a hypothetical model of functions, entities, and events that could “explain” regularities in the organism’s experience. And as a cyberneticist would expect, there is no way to match the model against the “real” structure of the black box.nst the “real” structure of the black box.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowing in Self-Regulating Organisms (A Constructivist Approach)/Rgsagcgxj3  + (The salient point in all this is that, since this “reality” manifests itself only in failures of our acting and/or thinking, we have no way of describing it except in terms of actions and thoughts that turned out to be unsuccessful.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowledge as Environmental Fit/Vz9cv6boae  + (The scenario, in which the knower is suppoThe scenario, in which the knower is supposed to acquire “true” pictures or representations of the real world, is thus inherently unsatisfactory. If the knower can never be sure that the picture of the world which he or she distills from experience is unquestionably a correct representation of a world that exists as such, the knower is cast in the role of a discoverer who has no possible access to what he or she is expected to what he or she is expected to discover.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Cybernetics, Experience, and the Concept of Self/Js950dj36j  + (The second development made possible by thThe second development made possible by the introduction of the representational use of invariants is that they can now be used as building blocks for conceptual constructions that move further and further away from the raw material of sensory or motor signals. This shift constitutes one of the salient characteristics of all the “higher,” more sophisticated mental operations and it has consequences for epistemology far beyond the scope of this chapter.logy far beyond the scope of this chapter.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowledge as Environmental Fit/Ny31x2tjef  + (The self, thus, is an experiential entity to which the experiencer attributes a number of specific properties, abilities, and functions.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Cybernetics, Experience, and the Concept of Self/Pngbtm20at  + (The simplest learning system, thus, will hThe simplest learning system, thus, will have a repertoire of several different activities and at least one sense organ and one comparator that generates an error signal whenever the sensory signals do not match the reference value. What it has to learn (i.e., what is not determined by fixed wiring), is to make the error signal trigger the particular activity that is likely to reduce it.ular activity that is likely to reduce it.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Learning and Adaptation in the Theory of Constructivism/V69skpy6zw  + (The urge to know thus becomes the urge to fit, on the sensorimotor level as well as in the conceptual domain, and learning and adaptation are seen as complementary phenomena.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Anticipation in the Constructivist Theory of Cognition/P519c13mit  + (The use of a cause-effect link in order to bring about a change is based on the belief that, since the cause has produced its effect in the past, it will produce it in the future.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:On the Concept of Interpretation/Go8jrkwg07  + (The viability of an interpretation, after all, can be assessed only from the interpreter’s point of view.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Teleology and the Concepts of Causation/Vh8ic6066z  + (The way the sculptor imposes form, is by cThe way the sculptor imposes form, is by chipping away the bits of marble that do not fit into his vision. The way form is imposed on the bronze, is by pouring it into a constraining mold. Potentially, the material could end up in innumerable other forms, but the procedure of statue-making, be it chipping or casting, eliminates all but one.ipping or casting, eliminates all but one.)