Annotation:Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana

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This Page shows all Annotations of the Article Annotationen:Distinguishing_the_Observer:_An_Attempt_at_Interpreting_Maturana.


Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/DhexxrmwekSarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 19:46:45TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/E12cs7qh1dFrom that angle, then, it becomes clear that, in the autopoietic organism also, “expectations” are nothing but re-presentations of experiences that are now projected into the direction of the not-yet-experienced.Sarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 17:53:17TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/Es4fd0aw79In Maturana’s edifice every point arises out of the preceding one – much as when, in thick fog on an Alpine glacier, one places one foot in front of the other without ever seeing what lies further ahead or further behind one; and as sometimes happens in such a fog, after hours of walking, one realizes that one is walking in one’s own footsteps. The fact that one has begun the circle at a specific point could be perceived only from a higher vantage point – if the fog had lifted and made possible a view. But the fog that obstructs our view of ontic reality cannot lift, because, as Kant already saw, it is inextricably built into our ways and means of experiencing.Sarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 19:46:32TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/Kr99ppmmztFor that reason, a meticulous investigation such as Maturana’s, can only show that, regardless of where we step into the circle, we can neither come to an end of the path, nor, if we retraced our steps, to a beginning.Sarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 19:18:45TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/Qutoep4khaSarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 18:20:50TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/R51yk7xdtyIn my terminology that means the observer must be capable of reflection.Sarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 18:16:00TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/Srbatz3m8vSarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 17:09:36TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/T6z187684uSarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 17:53:28TextAnnotation
Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/Xb6s2cnbe9To observe oneself as the maker of distinctions, therefore, is no more and no less than to become conscious of oneself.Sarah Oberbichler27 September 2019 17:09:24TextAnnotation