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A list of all pages that have property "AnnotationComment" with value "In my terminology that means the observer must be capable of reflection.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Annotation:Annotationen:How Do We Mean A Constructivist Sketch of Semantics/C1hymz28by  + (I can illustrate this by a simple example.I can illustrate this by a simple example. English text books of linguistics frequently give “the boy hit the ball” as example of a simple sentence that contains a subject, a verb, and an object. In the British Isles this sentence usually calls forth the re-presentation of a boy armed with a tennis racket or a golf club. In the United States he will be imagined to hold a baseball bat. This is a very minor difference. However, if the sentence has to be translated into German, it turns out to be far more complicated. The translator has to know more about the situational context, because the “simple” sentence turns out to be ambiguous. It would be appropriate in several situations, each of which requires different words in German. Here are the four most likely ones: Fig.6: “The boy hits the ball” If the boy hits the ball with a racket, a club, or a bat, the German verb has to be schlagen; if he hits it with an arrow or a bullet, it would be treffen; if he hits it with his bicycle, it would be stossen plus the preposition auf; and if he hits the ball when falling from the balcony, it would be fallen … auf or schlagen … auf.t would be fallen … auf or schlagen … auf.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowing without Metaphysics: Aspects of the Radical Constructivist Position/Roj6vedf4k  + (I claim that we cannot even imagine what the word ‘to exist’ might mean in an ontological context, because we cannot conceive of ‘being’ without the notions of space and time, and these two notions are among the first of our conceptual constructs.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Abstraction, Re-Presentation, and Reflection: An Interpretation of Experience and of Piaget’s Approach/Wpt5k6ohg9  + (I hope to make this clear with the help ofI hope to make this clear with the help of an example. A child growing up in a region where apples are red would neessarily and quite correctly associate the idea of redness with the name “apple”. A distant relative arriving from another part of the country, bringing a basket of yellow apples, would cause a major perturbation for the child, who might want to insist that yellow things should not be called “apples”. However, the social pressure of the family’s usage of the word will soon force the child to accept the fact that the things people call “apple” come in different colors. The child might then be told that apples can also be green, which would enable the child to recognize such a particular green thing as an apple the first time it is brought to the house.the first time it is brought to the house.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Thoughts about Space, Time, and the Concept of Identity/C1yimv3l5o  + (I may judge the pain I have at this momentI may judge the pain I have at this moment to be different from the pain I felt last week; and to make that judgement I do not have to hypothesize that the one comes from my sinus, the other from an impacted wisdom tooth; in fact, to compare any two percepts, I do not have to externalize their origin. Nor do I have to believe that these percepts are images of “objects”.at these percepts are images of “objects”.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:On the Concept of Interpretation/Kwdz4yohqd  + (I submit that whatever one might choose asI submit that whatever one might choose as the measure of justification, plausibility, or correctness when one is concerned with literary interpretation lies beyond the realm of linguistic competence (which is taken for granted as prerequisite) and involves relations one establishes between the conceptual structures called forth by the text and the conceptual network that constitutes one’s own experiential world. These relations, by definition, are subjective, in the sense that they cannot connect anything but the reader’s own conceptual structures with the reader’s own experiential world. with the reader’s own experiential world.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:The Logic of Scientific Fallibility/Ai4yfkwcy4  + (I would like to submit that it is, indeed, the logic of science and the scientific method that frequently stops scientists from looking outside a specific domain of possibilities.)
  • Annotation:An Introduction to Radical Constructivism/Bi6lbmgz68  + (Ideen, die nicht beachtet werden)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:On the Concept of Interpretation/Hhh1jxh2ki  + (If I am told that a mermaid is a creature If I am told that a mermaid is a creature with a woman’s head and torso and the tail of a fish, I need not have met such a creature in actual experience to understand the word, but I must be somewhat familiar with what is called “woman” and what is called “fish” to construct a meaning for the novel word. And if I am not told that the fish’s tail replaces the woman’s legs, I may construct a notion that is more like a fish-tailed biped than like the intended traditional mermaid. My deviant notion could then be corrected only by further interaction, i.e., by getting into situations where my conception of a creature with legs as well as a fish’s tail comes into explicit conflict with a picture or with what speakers of the language say about mermaids.eakers of the language say about mermaids.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowing without Metaphysics: Aspects of the Radical Constructivist Position/J3len2nz3t  + (If a prediction, made on the basis of impuIf a prediction, made on the basis of imputing to another person a scheme of acting or thinking that one has found to be viable for oneself, turns out to be correct, then that scheme and the conceptual structures it involves achieve a level of experiential reality that cannot be reached without the social context. Indeed, this kind of ‘corroboration’ produces the only objectivity that is possible in the Radical Constructivist view.ssible in the Radical Constructivist view.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Knowing in Self-Regulating Organisms (A Constructivist Approach)/Pyr8jth46d  + (If knowledge can be considered the result If knowledge can be considered the result of the adaptive effort of cognitive organisms in their struggle to maintain their equilibrium in the face of perturbations, it does not seem reasonable for them to use this knowledge to compete with one another. On the contrary, it seems that in order to maintain not only their own equilibrium but also that of the planet on which they find themselves living they would have to foster in every conceivable way every kind of mutual collaboration.le way every kind of mutual collaboration.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Why Constructivism Must be Radical/Tjgxbupvzd  + (If knowledge cannot be transmitted, but must instead be constructed by each student individually, this does not imply that teaching must dispense with language. It implies only that the role of language must be conceived of differently.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Abstraction, Re-Presentation, and Reflection: An Interpretation of Experience and of Piaget’s Approach/Tm9j7422k1  + (If someone, having just eaten an apple, takes a bite out of a second one, and is asked which of the two tasted sweeter, we should not be surprised that the person could give an answer.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Adaptation and Viability/Obrmbqyrkf  + (If something has been found to work, it is likely to work again.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Teleology and the Concepts of Causation/Vlgvxy38uc  + (If there is no preference for not having pain and getting blisters on one’s fingers, there is no reason why the toddler should not touch the hot stove every time it happens to be near enough.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Aspects of Constructivism/M3oefrropl  + (If two people share a room, there is one room and both live in it. If they share a bowl of cherries, none of the cherries is eaten by both persons.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Representation and Deduction/C0bm2n1mvj  + (If we have never formulated a tentative ruIf we have never formulated a tentative rule of the kind “all roses I have seen, smelled sweet,” we would not be tempted to say: “this flower looks like a rose— therefore it will smell sweet.” In other words, if we have had no success with inductive inferences, we are unlikely to proceed to deductive ones.are unlikely to proceed to deductive ones.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Anticipation in the Constructivist Theory of Cognition/Uvkospj4ha  + (If you consider that in the context of theIf you consider that in the context of the Darwinian theory of evolution, “to be adapted” means to survive by avoiding constraints, it becomes clear that, for Piaget, “to know” does not involve acquiring a picture of the world around us. Instead, it concerns the discovery of paths of action and of thought that are open to us, paths that are viable in the face of experience.that are viable in the face of experience.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:How Do We Mean A Constructivist Sketch of Semantics/A6ez27ubbp  + (If you consider the relative distances of If you consider the relative distances of the individual stars it becomes clear that there is only a very small area of the universe (as astronomers have taught us to conceive it) from which the five stars could be said to form a double-u. Move the observer a few light-years to the right or the left, the double-u would disappear. Move the observer 50 light-years forward, and he or she could construct only a triangle with the three stars that remained in the three stars that remained in front.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana/Es4fd0aw79  + (In Maturana’s edifice every point arises oIn Maturana’s edifice every point arises out of the preceding one – much as when, in thick fog on an Alpine glacier, one places one foot in front of the other without ever seeing what lies further ahead or further behind one; and as sometimes happens in such a fog, after hours of walking, one realizes that one is walking in one’s own footsteps. The fact that one has begun the circle at a specific point could be perceived only from a higher vantage point – if the fog had lifted and made possible a view. But the fog that obstructs our view of ontic reality cannot lift, because, as Kant already saw, it is inextricably built into our ways and means of experiencing.t into our ways and means of experiencing.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Cybernetics, Experience, and the Concept of Self/Prpv43m9ru  + (In Piagetian terms, this active imposition of invariance on instances of experience that are always different in some way is the ubiquitous process of assimilation.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Conceptual Models in Educational Research and Practice/V003cd9ksd  + (In adopting the new, cognitive paradigm, then, it becomes imperative that both teachers and researchers acquire some theoretical notions of how this “making sense” can be conceptualized.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:The Radical Constructivist View of Science/M2oici6nzn  + (In both cases it clearly is an active experiencer who creates the units. What is not so obvious, is that the discrete entities that are counted, as well as the continuous ones to which units of measurement are applied, are also an experiencer’s creation.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Teleology and the Concepts of Causation/Rtn79elo59  + (In contrast, if archaeologists, in diggingIn contrast, if archaeologists, in digging up remnants of a bygone civilization, find an unknown item and discover that it generates a flame when it is handled in a particular way, they may conclude that this was indeed its purpose. This would be conceived as the purpose of the item, in their description.purpose of the item, in their description.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:The Reluctance to Change a Way of Thinking/Mdk3s7g2eq  + (In fact, the process of accommodation and In fact, the process of accommodation and adaptation of the meaning of words and linguistic expressions continues for each of us throughout our lives, and no matter how long we have spoken the language, there will still be occasions when we experience a perturbation and realize that we have been using a word in a way that turns out to be idiosyncratic in some particular respect. idiosyncratic in some particular respect.)
  • Annotation:Annotationen:Why I Consider Myself a Cybernetician/Zfykmweggk  + (In general terms, the reduction of an error signal is always a move towards equilibrium.)