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Relations, therefore, are not “perceived” but fictitious  +
The meanings of words – and this also applies to every sign and every symbol – must be constructed by each user of the language individually, and this construction is based solely on the subjective experience of the particular parson. Hence it stands to reason that the interpretation of a word or a text will always remain an essentially subjective operation.  +
When you are engaged, as you are now, in reading what I have written, it can be said that communication is taking place. To be more precise, you are in the position of a receiver. Let’s take a moment to observe what goes on. To begin with, you have to be able to perceive a series of black marks printed on the page and to identify these marks, first as letters and then as combinations of letters forming words of a language with which you are familiar. You are familiar with a language whenever the meanings of most of its words hold some asso ciation for you. At that point, the perception of words calls up meanings in your head and you attempt to link these meanings together in order to develop larger conceptual structures that are related to the sentences of the text. If you succeed and manage to produce structures that appear reasonable to you, you feel that you have understood what the author intended to say.  +
Instead of “truth.” constructivism speaks of viability and compatibility with previously constructed models. In other words, scientific models are tools.  +
Yet, analysis of the process which led a student to answer in a particular way is one of the best means available towards an understanding of his or her concepts and mental operations.  +
Thus, instead of claiming that knowledge is capable of representing a world outside of our experience, we would say, as did the pragmatists, that knowledge is a tool within the realm of experience.  +
If knowledge cannot be transmitted, but must instead be constructed by each student individually, this does not imply that teaching must dispense with language. It implies only that the role of language must be conceived of differently.  +
For me, therefore, the world in which we find ourselves living, is the world that we have been able to build and maintain within the constraints we have so far experienced. – What could be more cybernetic than this?  +
each user of a language must build up meanings for him- or herself.  +
On the strength of all this, I came to believe that the meanings we attribute to words and phrases, and to whole speeches and texts, are meanings, or built up of meanings, that we ourselves have generated in our own experience. They are the result of “self-regulation” – and the study of self-regulation is an integral part of cybernetics.  +
concepts associated with words are not the same from person to person in one and the same language.  +
Knowledge was no longer expected to provide a “true” picture of an absolute reality – something the sceptics of all ages had shown to be impossible. Instead, it was to be seen as a means towards the organism’s equilibration.  +
Compatibility does not imply identity, it merely implies viability in the given circumstances. That is why, after having used a word in a particular way for fifty or more years, we may discover that it is not quite the way others are using it – it is just that the circumstances in which we have so far used the word happened to be such that they did not bring out any differences.  +
In general terms, the reduction of an error signal is always a move towards equilibrium.  +
Nach Piaget bedeutet Interaktion nicht, dass ein Organismus mit Objekten interagiert, wie sie „wirklich“ sind, sondern dass ein kognitives Subjekt sich mit zuvor konstruierten Wahrnehmungs- und Konzeptstrukturen auseinandersetzt.  +
Wenn wir das Lernen Studierender anregen wollen, dürfen wir nicht vergessen, dass Wissen außerhalb des Verstandes nicht existiert.  +
Die Analyse von Bedeutungen führt immer zu individuellen Erfahrungen und dem sozialen Prozess, die Verbindung zwischen Wörtern und dieser Erfahrung so lange berücksichtigen, bis das Individuum sie für kompatibel in der Verwendung, der sprachlichen und verhaltensbezogenen Reaktionen anderer hält.  +
Es ist eine Sache zu behaupten, dass der eigenen Erfahrung nach die Bedeutung, die andere einem Wort zuschreiben, mit der eigenen kompatibel zu sein scheint, aber eine andere, anzunehmen, dass die Bedeutungen gleich sind.  +
Wissen ist weniger eine genaue Darstellung externer Dinge, Situationen und Ereignisse, sondern mehr eine Abbildung von Handlungen und konzeptionellen Operationen, die sich in der Erfahrung des wissenden Subjekts bewährt haben.  +