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Neugierig geworden? Hier finden Sie eine AUswahl von wissenschaftlicher Literatur aus und über das LANA-Projekt:

Bettoni, Marco (2007). “The Yerkish Language. From Operational Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication.” In: Constructivist Foundations 2007 vol 2.2, pp. 32-28.

Glasersfeld, Ernst von (1975). “The Yerkish Lanuage. For Non-Human Primates.” In: American Journal of Computational Linguistics. Ed. by Association for Computational Linguistics.

Glasersfeld, Ernst von (1977a). “Linguistic Communication: Theory and Definition”. In: Language learning by a chimpanzee: The Lana Project. Ed. by Duane M. Rumbaugh. Communication and behavior. New York: Academic Press, pp. 55-69.

Glasersfeld, Ernst von (1977b). “The Yerkish Language and Its Automatic Parser”. In: Language learning by a chimpanzee: The Lana Project. Ed. by Duane M. Rumbaugh. Communication and behavior. New York: Academic Press, pp. 91.130.

Glasersfeld, Ernst von and Pier Paolo Pisani (Feb. 1970). “The Multistore Parser for Hierarchical Syntactic Structures”. In: Computational Linguistics. Communications of the ACM (Volume 13/No 2). Online abrufbar.

Pisani, Pier Paolo (1977). “Computer Programs”. In: Language learning by a chimpanzee: the Lana project. Ed. by Duane M. Rumbaugh. Communication and behavior. New York: Academic Press, pp. 131-141.

Rumbaugh, Duane M., ed. (1977). Language learning by a chimpanzee: the Lana project. Communication and behavior. New York: Academic Press. 312 pp.

Rumbaugh, Duane M. et al. (1973). “Methods&Designs. Acomputer-controlled language training sydstem for investigating the language skills of young apes”. In: Behaviour Resarch Metods and Instruments (Vol.5 (5)).

Schorner, Michael (2015). “Sprechen Sie Yerkish? Ernst von Glasersfelds Beitrag zum LANA-Projekt - zwischen Operatonalismus und Radikalem Konstruktivismus”. In: Ernst-von-Glasersfeld-Lectures 2015. Ed. by Theo Hug et al. 1. Auflage. Edited volume series. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, pp. 69-80. Online abrufbar.